If you’re on the hunt for something exotically delicious, this eatery serves up the dishes. Chef Franz and his crew invited everyone to take a walk on the wild side with unique offerings such as duck gnocchi, bison sausage, alligator etouffee and a camel burger so scrumptious, it’ll make hump day your favorite time of the week. Ely’s also serves up tasty tamer fare like vegetable risotto, tea brined fried chicken, bacon-wrapped filet mignon and the best Reuben in town.

10 popular spots serving up FORKSful of flavor
Visit Greater Grand Forks was interested in learning more about what our Facebook Friends' FORKS Favs are when it comes…

Only 24 hours in Grand Forks? Do it Downtown!
From mouthwatering meals to sumptuous stays, plus soul-satisfying retail therapy and even a little art mixed in for good measure…

Hop around SimplyGrand Forks this Easter
Looking for a place to ham it up on March 31? Perhaps you prefer a heat and eat at home option?

Five Grand Girls Getaway Days in Forks
No offense guys but we of the female persuasion occasionally need some time to ourselves.