The Greater Grand Forks Community Theatre is a non-profit organization established in 1947 to provide entertainment, education and recreation to the region through the opportunity to experience and participate in live theatrical entertainment. We are listed as one of the ten oldest community theatres in the nation ("Millennium Theatres" by Theatre USA).
From 1947 until 1983 performances were held wherever they could find a performance space, mostly halls, churches and hotels. The Westward Ho was one of the most popular venues as the manager of the hotel was very interested in and supportive of community theatre.
In 1982 the organization bought the Number One Fire Hall from the City of Grand Forks and renovated it into a one-hundred-seat theatre, The Fire Hall Theatre, opening in 1983. Thus, they became one of the few community theatres in North Dakota, in fact North America, to own its’ own facility. With control of the building, the season was extended to four shows per year starting in September and running until May.
All the actors and crew are volunteers.
The Greater Grand Forks Community Theatre operates three main programming components.
- Community Theatre Mainstage: The Community Theatre produces three major amatuer productions per year (fall, winter, spring), including one amatuer musical.
- Spotlight Players: The Spotlight Players are the Community Theatre's young performers. Designed for ages 6-16, the Spotlight Players present a fall musical designed to give young performers stage experience as well as teach valuable life skills.
- Theatre Workshops for Youth - during the school year, the theatre hosts "Play Days," for children in grades 1-8 at the Fire Hall Theatre when GF schools are out of session.

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