GRAND things happen at FORKS’ Alerus Center
The Alerus Center, our city’s premiere performance and convention complex, is the perfect place to entertain and be entertained. Completed in 2001, with recent additions and an upcoming remodel, it is considered one of the most acclaimed facilities in the country.
Enjoy 7 days of happier hours in Forks
Each day of the week, our local establishments set aside hours to help make everyone happy. While it’s nearly impossible to list them all here, below is a sampling of Forks’ most fabulous food and adult beverage $pecials.
7 restaurants dishing up FORKSful of international flavor
When it comes to dining out, our two Forks offer lots more options than just hearty Midwestern meat and potato dishes. Although, we really do make a mean hotdish around these parts! There are actually several locally owned eateries serving up some of the best global fare to be found anywhere. Here is a half dozen plus one of my favorites.
6 picks for FORKSful of winter fun
Just because cooler weather is upon us, doesn’t mean you need to hibernate. Greater Grand Forks has lots of options for keeping folks of any age moving and grooving. Here are suggestions to help replace the winter blues with some cool to-dos!
10 popular spots serving up FORKSful of flavor
Visit Greater Grand Forks was interested in learning more about what our Facebook Friends' FORKS Favs are when it comes to dining out. What better way to find out than doing an unscientific poll offering a chance to win a $50 gift card to the local eatery of their choice?! Listed below, in no particular order, were the Top 10 vote getters.
A Greater Grand Forks Getaway: Travel Tips to Explore Hidden Gems
Chocolate covered potato chips, ice hockey, art and history, discover Darley Newman’s expert tips for diving into the local culture, food, and the arts scene in Greater Grand Forks.
7 FORKS local coffee hot spots
Move over Seattle and Portland, our two FORKS have lots of GRAND brews from which to choose! Scattered about town, there are a variety of java joints (some locally owned, some national chains) ready to pour you up a cup of deliciousness.
Only 24 hours in Grand Forks? Do it Downtown!
From mouthwatering meals to sumptuous stays, plus soul-satisfying retail therapy and even a little art mixed in for good measure, Grand Forks always delivers. But what if you only have 24 short hours to explore this river city? That’s not a problem. Do it downtown! One of our favorite Canadians (and we have plenty) shows us how it’s done.
Grand poutine prepared the Forks way
As everyone knows, gravy makes everything better.
7 spots to unwind and find FORKSful of Zen
Life is moving at a crazy rate; so, we all need to find some time to relax and unwind. While there are numerous FORKSful of fun, fast-paced things to do between our two grand towns, it’s important to take a breath and tap into your inner Zen every now and then. Below are my top seven spots to workout and/or work on myself.